Breaking this rule will result in a immediate ban. Start in the cabins and try to escape the island. You are allowed to share NSFW content, such as a nude character, but you are not allowed to post any content in which any sexual activity is happening, such as having sex, having oral sex, masturbation, and so on. I’m not pleased with IMVU asking for information and still denying my help request. Welcome to GAMERZ HOUR This is a server for people who play games like SIMS, SL, IMVU, APEX, GENSHIN IMPACT, VALORANT, AND FORTNITE 7.
They denied my request and suggested we call the help number, I did and they simply told me to send in a clear photo of my ID and card, I informed them I already did and they still have yet to take my child’s account off hold, I’m not sure how to fix this and have already allowed her to spend as much as she pleased on building this account. Her content would contain roleplays, stories, showing some copyrighted characters like Dora. Find NSFW games for Windows like Eternum, Harem Hotel (18+), Once in a Lifetime, Adastra, FreshWomen - Season 1 on itch. Euina originally made her account in 2016 mostly focusing on IMVU. Her thumbnails mostly have questionable content in them and she has been criticized for them. We placed in a case and I gave them my card and my ID information as asked. Euina is a gaming YouTuber who mostly makes videos and skits focusing on Roblox. With millions of players from around the globe, Lady Popular is one of the best fashion arena games that you can play. Lady Popular: Fashion Arena Lady Popular is a free online fashion game for iOS and Android. But after having it for almost a full year they put her account on hold for suspicious activity. ourWorld Metaspace Twinity Club Cooee 3D Avatar Chat Woozworld Fashion & Fame Virtual World Avakin Life 1. I closely monitor her social media account and she always comes to me before purchasing anything over 20$, here recently my daughter has been very interested in this game. Her real name cannot be placed on the account, my daughter is allowed access to a debit card that I set up in my name to use as she pleases, my daughter works very hard for the money so I don’t ask where she spends it. My child whom is 16 has an account on IMVU under one condition.