94A Land Combat Electronic Missile System Repairer (formerly 27E).91Z Senior Maintenance Supervisor (formerly 63Z).91X Maintenance Supervisor (formerly 63X).91P Self Propelled Artillery Systems Maintainer (formerly 63D).91M Bradley Fighting Vehicle System Maintainer (formerly 63T).91L Construction Equipment Repairer (formerly 62B).91J Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer (formerly 63J).91H Track Vehicle Repairer (formerly 63H).91G Fire Control Repairer (formerly 45G).91F Small Arms/Towed Artillery Repairer (formerly 45B).91E Allied Trades Specialist (formerly 91E and 91W).91D Power Generation Equipment Repairer (formerly 52D).91C Utilities Equipment Repairer (formerly 52C).91B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic (formerly 63B).91A M1 Abrams Tank System Maintainer (formerly 63A).89D Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist.

Military mos code series#

Immaterial & Personnel Special Reporting Codes "35" is military intelligence for both officers and enlisted). Changes include deleting obsolete jobs, merging redundant jobs, and using common numbers for both enlisted CMFs and officer AOCs (e.g. Changes took place in 2004 and continued into 2013. The Army is currently restructuring its personnel management systems, as of 2019. Related WOMOS are grouped together by Army branch.
Military mos code plus#
Codes consists of three digits plus a letter. Warrant officers are classified by warrant officer military occupational specialty, or WOMOS. Typically, an officer will start in an AOC of a specific branch and move up to an FA AOC. Related AOCs are grouped together by specific branch of the Army or by broader in scope functional areas (FA). Just like enlisted MOSCs, AOCs are two digits plus a letter. For example, an enlisted soldier with MOSC 11B works as an infantryman (his MOS), and is part of CMF 11 (the CMF for infantry).Ĭommissioned officers are classified by their area of concentration, or AOC. Related MOSs are grouped together by Career Management Fields (CMF).
Military mos code code#
MOS are labeled with a short alphanumerical code called a military occupational core specialty code (MOSC), which consists of a two-digit number appended by a Latin letter. The United States Army uses various personnel management systems to classify soldiers in different specialties which they receive specialized and formal training on once they have successfully completed Basic Combat Training (BCT).Įnlisted soldiers are categorized by their assigned job called a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).